Donations for Static Diaplay

Static Display Donation Request Hopefully you are aware of the two static displays that are now at Camp Curnalia! Camp Grayling donated 2 M1117 Armored Security Vehicles (ASV’s) which are tank type vehicles with wheels. This is a unique opportunity to show pride in our camp and pay tribute to our veterans.  CCCOA is only required to install the cement pads on which the ASV’s will reside.  There will be no future cost to CCCOA as Camp Grayling will maintain the equipment.  The cement pads were not in this year’s budget so we are offered members an opportunity to make [...] Read More

C.C.C.O.A. Commemorative Flag Program

The CCCOA Board and Membership would like to thank the following families for thier honorable donation of Flags. These Flags fly above the Camp as a Memorial to those loved ones, who first came here to create this beautiful vacation/retirement  spot. These Flags will fly over the Camp during the summer, starting at Memorial Day weekend until Labor day. This is a Commemorative Flag Program of the Beautification Committee.  If you are interested in sponsoring a flag for the Association next year please contact Lynne Knight at 989 493 3320 with the location and type of flag. Flags will fly [...] Read More