CCCOA 2024 Flag Project


Each year members may purchase a flag to be donated to fly over a Camp location for the summer in honor or in memory of a loved one. In the fall, that flag will be returned to them with our grateful acknowledgement. The flags for the summer of 2024 are as follows:

Marvin Burk donated a flag in honor of his son CPL Mark D. Burk, USMC, 1988-1992 serving first in Okinawa and then in Operation Desert Storm/Shield with major stations in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Mark joined five generations of Burks who have served in the military.

Jeff Collet donated a flag to honor his father Alfred Collet, USMC, who served in Korea where he was engaged in the Chosin Reservoir battle.

Chad Davis donated a flag in honor of his veteran father Bill Davis.

Savannah Downey donated a flag in honor of her father Jimmy Downey, USMC, and his dedication to CCCOA as its current President.

Robert Emigh, Jr. donated a flag in honor of his father Robert Emigh, Sr., USMC who served his country from 1956-1959.

Jim Karbowski donated a flag in honor Ernie Bell for his military service and with gratitude for his essential help in replacing Jim’s cottage roof.

In memory of Larry Leighton, USMC 1966-1968, for his military service and for all of his volunteer work for CCCOA and the broader community, two flags were donated:  one USA flag by Dar Eldred and Bill King and one POW flag by Sott Reeves and Lynne Knight.

Cathy Roth donated a flag in memory of her mother Lillian Leonard Roth and Lillian’s six brothers, five of whom served in the military while one needed to remain home to run the family farm.

Donated anonymously in honor of Phil Priebe, USMC, 1969-1970, for his military service and for all of his work within CCCOA on its board of directors, as its treasurer for years and for his “construction” assistance and work for his Camp neighbors.

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